Season 08

2024 / 2025

Register now for season 08!

Learn, design, develop and build your own mobile app. Critical thinking, problem solving, time management, team collaboration.

For students grades 6 to 12.


Prepare Youth for 21st Century Careers

All future careers, whether in the Tech industry or not, will require digital skills. Just like basic Math literacy is important today, the future workforce will require basic Tech literacy. This includes coding for sure. But more than that, it also includes design, empathy, problem solving, teamwork and an attitude of continuous learning.

At Game of Apps, local Tech professionals work with students weekly to teach them the skills and principles used in the industry as they build their own apps. Students experience first-hand what it takes to build an app and gain a unique insight into how the Tech industry operates.

Solve ambiguous problems and learn how to learn

Problem based learning approach

Immediately apply what you’ve just learned, reinforcing concepts by seeing how it’s applied

Cross-disciplinary and leadership

Work together and leverage each other’s strengths and abilities, all driving towards the same goal

Being comfortable with ambiguity

Don't shy away from uncertainty, apply a methodical process to distill ambiguity into manageable and testable steps

Create Value & Solve Difficult Problems

It took only 13 years since the release of the first iPhone to create new markets and businesses which took over older industries. Game of Apps is a program that teaches youth how to thrive in this future reality—embracing ambiguity, and adapting to continuously evolving technologies.

Students will learn how to utilize design and software engineering skills to solve ambiguous problems—problems that do not have predefined answers—and create value for the people around them. The students will form teams to represent their schools and compete for the coveted GoA Provincial Championship Trophy.

Student Testimonials

Hear what our past students have to say.

Program Fun Stats

Here are some interesting and fun stats since we’ve started Game of Apps!

Student Alumnis: 923

Grades 6 through 12

Schools: 73

Participating from Bowen Island, Burnaby, Delta, Elkford, New Westminster, North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Richmond, Saanich, Sidney, Surrey, Vancouver, Vernon, Victoria, West Vancouver, etc.

Industry Mentors: 69

Developers and Designers working in the local Tech industry volunteer their time weekly to teach and mentor the students

Female Students: 33%

Better than the industry average of 25%, but still a ways to go. Help spread the word so more female students hear about Game of Apps

Awards Given: 195

To very deserving students!

Interns Hired: 64

Summer jobs for our students--they helped build this website and our iOS / Android mobile apps

Assignments & Exercises: 27,000+

Good thing we can automate the marking for most of these!

Lines of Code Submitted: 164,000+

Blank lines not counted

Minutes of Livestreamed Video: 45,800+

Lectures, workshops and championships

Letters of Reference: 90+

Given for university / post-secondary and scholarship applications

Jokes Told In Lectures: 448+

We try hard…

Jokes Students Found Funny: 19

But students think we should try harder…


Elkford Secondary

Clarence Fulton

GW Graham Secondary

Peter Ewart Middle

Elgin Park Secondary

Johnston Heights Secondary

Semiahmoo Secondary

Burnsview Secondary

Delview Secondary

North Delta Secondary

If you think your students or school will be interested in meeting a challenge like this, let us know.

Upcoming Events

The following events are coming soon. Mark your calendars!

Thu, Oct 17, 2024

07:00 PM

Student/Parent Info Session #4

Learn more about the program and get your questions answered. Join our Zoom call @

Fri, Oct 18, 2024

11:59 PM

Registration Deadline for Annual Competition: Startup School program

Register now via our mobile apps (iOS or Android

Continuously Evolving Technologies

Life doesn't always go to plan and the only constant is change. The key to dealing with uncertainty is to face it head on and learn how to analyze problems and opportunities, breaking them down into discrete questions that can be individually tested and proven.

Download Our Mobile App

Watch videos of past Championship events (Provincials and Regionals). Also see videos of the teams' app & pitch presentations, and welcome messages from the judges, school administrators and local community leaders.

The mobile app is also used for completing registrations.

IMPORTANT: If you have installed the GoA mobile app previously, please ensure that you update it to the latest version.

Join Us!

Embark on an adventure to learn from professional developers and designers as you leverage technology to solve ambiguous and interesting problems. On this journey of discovery, you will build your own app and compete with teams from other local high schools.

© 2025 Institute of Applied Design & Technology Education Society